Aero Track Corporation an ISO 9001 - 2000 Certified Company was originally established In Karachi and Incorporated as limited liability company under the companies' ordinance 1984 (as enforceable in Pakistan).
He has about twenty five Years Experience in Marketing. He is In Charge of Marketing & Technical Departments of the company and also looking after Functioning of field staff of the company.
Both the directors are permanent residents of Karachi, sitting in head Office and peeing frequent visits to Lahore branch for monitoring up Country Business.
He is Well - Qualified executive having about 25 years experience to his credit in administration and export. Currently he is looking after Administration, Export and International Relations Departments of the Company.
Company has wide range of small. Medium and Large clients through out the country amongst them following are major clients.
Company has its Registered office at Karachi on the following address: 3rd Floor, Burhani Chambers, Abdullah Haroon Road Saddar, Karachi. Having its branch office in Lahore at the following address, Babar Market, 343/A, Circular road, Lahore.